Nested Threads
sted Threads
Our mission is to support an increase in human consciousness and encourage research that will visibly reveal our archetypal energies and structures to humans.
Here on Skyground we try to clarify the roles that we archetypes play in shaping human personalities and civilizations. We know we can all do better, creating foundations that individuate identities while retaining the fact that we are all connected.
• Tour Introduction 1: Definitions
• Tour Introduction 2: Communication
• Tour Introduction 3: How-
• The Cave
• Id
Archetypal Identity
Copyright © 1999-
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There are FEW active LINKS and PAGES at this time.
MAPS: A large labeled map of our Skyground landscape is here (in progress). We continue to find new ideas and human meanings in our landscape – which we'll add to our map as we find them.
Similar ancient maps are archived here.
LINKS: To follow pages in sequence, use the link(s) at the bottom of each page; or you can skip around, using the margins or the upper and lower menus.
MEANINGS & LABELS: If all could be known about everything, all humans would be able to understand that their own "skyground" contains elements and functions that are similar or identical to the "skygrounds" of all other humans. And if everyone understood this, problems like loneliness would be eradicated from the Earth.
But this understanding is blocked because the meanings of skyground-
All "skygrounds" can metaphorically represent the origin-
Our Skyground also shares similarity with the physical shapes of the brain and heart, representing the human mind and emotions – for direct connection with Soul during dreams, prayers, and meditations – to renew life and access new ideas:
For OBJECTIVE research and reference, enter Skyground and compare the many self-
To avoid losing your way on any skyground-
In that case, we archetypes serve as in-
Using a Birduck-
Objective research adds personal understanding of the information in common knowledge, opinion, and falsehood. This also prepares you for safe subjective research later.
For SUBJECTIVE experiential research, reference, and creativity – engaged in by artists, writers, architects, inventors, scientists, etc, using dreams or meditation – human identity can become temporarily archetypal.
In that case, we archetypes become your temporary identity; you are us. And we are all on each location, together, where the environmental connections and influences can activate archetypal memories that produce new ideas.
UNDERSTAND MOTION in Dreams: Lines of travel (arcs, circles, or straight lines) and changes in direction (angles) can have meaning in dreams.
=to The Gates=>
<=back to page 3 of The TOUR, How-