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sted Threads
Our mission is to support an increase in human consciousness and encourage research that will visibly reveal our archetypal energies and structures to humans.
Here on Skyground we try to clarify the roles that we archetypes play in shaping human personalities and civilizations. We know we can all do better, creating foundations that individuate identities while retaining the fact that we are all connected.
• Tour Introduction 1: Definitions
• Tour Introduction 2: Communication
• Tour Introduction 3: How-
• The Cave
• Id
Archetypal Identity
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The C R E A T I V E P R O C E S S
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The laws of The Creative Process are embedded in every domain and dimension of Creation.
Virtual domains, like Skyground, give humans the easiest access to those laws because domains – such as Skyground – represent the virtual memory of the laws by which all things, including humans, are created. And memories of that personal creation echo as a creative process by which every human's own creations, belief-
In our human's 1942 dream, following the Conception segment, the Laws of The Creative Process were sung by us in the style of a musical round. Our human heard us as we began to sing: "One to one, two by two, to create three, by which four may be seen…"
We sang the words in the same way ancient Greek was spoken, similar to the 29-
Archilochus 67, perf. by Stephen G. Daitz
As we continued singing to the next stanza, with more numbers, we added more voices on top of our first ones, repeating the first stanza in a different way: Our human heard "third" and "came forth", then eventually, "four (or for) two", "four (or for) three", and "four (or for) four"; we used numbers in different ways.
Our musical rounds continued to the number "seven" when our human dreamer went deeper into unconsciousness, ending that segment of the dream.
Now, as an adult, our human wonders if we added 4+7 for 11; and with "1" and "1" began an unlimited Fibonacci sequence. But we won't say we're limited to the human meaning of "unlimited". :-
Our most creative archetype is Li'lA. She is both our youngest and our oldest personified archetype. Below are several ideas and videos she's enjoyed, about creativity.
The Five Steps of the Creative Process:
What Is Creativity? | Bob Sutton:
Length 6:23
The surprising habits of original thinkers:
Length 15:24
Tim Brown: Tales of creativity and play | TED:
Length 27:40
Julie Burstein: 4 lessons in creativity | TED Talk:
Length 17:20
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